Podcast: What is the Future of EU-China Relations?

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Against the backdrop of increased geopolitical tensions, the relationship between the EU, its Member States, and China has continued to remain of significant importance. As the United States’ relationship with China has deteriorated, the EU has increasingly sought to chart its own course vis a vis China, seeking partnerships where beneficial while ensuring its own interests are looked after. In this IIEA discussion, Finbarr Bermingham reflects on the present state of the EU’s relationship with China, its challenges and opportunities, and explores what the future holds for the EU-China Relationship.

About the Speaker:

Finbarr Bermingham is a Brussels-based correspondent covering Europe’s relationship with China. He is the Senior Europe Correspondent for the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post, a role he has held since 2021. Over the last decade, he has reported on China through a number of different lenses. Over seven years in Hong Kong he chronicled the Chinese trade economy through the Trump years and Covid-19. Since coming to Brussels, he has charted the downward spiral in EU-China ties following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He regularly appears on broadcast media and has won and been nominated for awards for his reporting and podcasting.


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