#saimamohsin #skynews
Why I do this?
I do this to review, educate others and certainly criticize some current employed F1 Employees/Sky Employees etc via their unlabeled content when it is required, and to argue why these are employed and others like myself who have already done the early career hard work in relevant fields such as F1 and Online, in which I and others make more chance, are not. I also introduces Consumer Protection matters and how some influencers/presenters might abuse the trust they get, maybe via pity play and hijacking very importat matters of public interest such as the gender equality, from the average consum vulnerable people and young people. That is also among other issues, to broaden questioning to the employment market be in the UK or elsewhere. I am one of the best placed because I worked in multiple territories as an immigrant, certainly not as part of a lavish expatriation program.
I have a cervical worry and will it not be less damaging on my cervical to hit a key on a keyboard filling an F1 podcast producer role.8
Same can be said for non-F1 online jobs.
For instance, once employed against me in F1 why is Ariana Bravo still in Employment at both F1 and Channel 4, when her F1 Code of Conduct seems to exactly ban having a second job, which her illegality at lying about the true intent of her content does not really meet the qualification criteria of a gender-based prioritization as per Marshal Vs Land either, that she has however repeated the same offense she has been pinned down for with the same Crypto Currency brand back in October 2023 and though claims to have the aura of a journalist, which definition is preparation work as a rule, which her illegality shows she does not meet that set rule heralded by the ECHR? Why her and not others?
Lissie Mackintosh was caught by ASA as well as educated about how to Ad label a content on August 2023. She still plays a dirty game to fool people on one side, say by labeling if at all prominently on TikTok and not on Youtube.
I also criticize to some level the employment market which everyday rejects the many without no reasons given most of the time, and that the experienced and educated may not even have their voice heard, only to see some employed who do not meet the so-called “qualified” criteria, as per the F1 Experience.
I also do this to participate to the general debate as per: “According to the Court, when balancing the protection of private life against
freedom of expression, the decisive criterion had to be the contribution made by
publishing the data to a debate of public interest. If a publication is only meant to
satisfy the curiosity of a certain audience, freedom of expression must be interpreted
more narrowly” Source: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/app/conversion/docx/pdf?library=ECHR&id=001-175121&filename=CASE%20OF%20SATAKUNNAN%20MARKKINAP%C3%96RSSI%20OY%20AND%20SATAMEDIA%20OY%20v.%20FINLAND.pdf&logEvent=False
I also borrow the following quite that as well as for politics, I wish to use my freedom to debate.
“42. Freedom of the press furthermore affords the public one of the best means of discovering and forming an opinion of the ideas and attitudes of political leaders. More generally, freedom of political debate is at the very core of the concept of a democratic society which prevails throughout the Convention” Source: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/fre?i=001-57523#{%22itemid%22:[%22001-57523%22]} – ECHR, Lingens Vs Austria
No matter if it shocks or disturb if it so to educate and wake people up.
“41. In this connection, the Court has to recall that freedom of expression, as secured in paragraph 1 of Article 10 (art. 10-1), constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic society and one of the basic conditions for its progress and for each individual’s self-fulfilment. Subject to paragraph 2 (art. 10-2), it is applicable not only to “information” or “ideas” that are favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference, but also to those that offend, shock or disturb. Such are the demands of that pluralism, tolerance and broadmindedness without which there is no “democratic society” (see the above-mentioned Handyside judgment,
Series A no. 24, p. 23, para. 49).” Source: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/fre?i=001-57523#{%22itemid%22:[%22001-57523%22]} – ECHR, Lingens Vs Austria
I also do this via caricature, parody and pastiche.
Acknowledgment: Skynews
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