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'I would be beyond shocked': Weissmann reveals why Trump will never testify
Democratic congressman reveals 'most shocking' thing Republican said outside Trump trial
‘A bored jury will punish the lawyer’: Trump’s hush money trial enters its final stretch
'Moscow Tools': Daily Show’s Jordan Klepper investigates MAGA fascination with Putin and Russia
‘A machine of anger’: The difference between Donald Trump’s debates in 2016, 2020, and 2024
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Justice Alito should ‘distance himself as far as possible’ from this controversy: former prosecutor
Texas Rep. Allred: Gov. Abbott's pardon of man who killed BLM protestor makes everyone less safe
UAW unionization failure highlights need to protect workers' right to organize
How Trump might lose his 2nd straight election: Biden corners him into new debate rules
Legal analyst says Judge Cannon is a ‘MAGA activist’ for encouraging delay tactics
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