Who will govern Israel? | Inside Story

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has given up his efforts to form a government.

Benjamin Netanyahu is the longest serving leader of Israel.
He’s been in office twice — his second stint lasting more than a decade.
Some, have even called him the Magician of Israeli politics.
But he’s been unable to convince his rivals to join him and form a coalition government.
The Prime minister’s setback is an opportunity for the leader of the opposition Blue and White Party Benny Gants, to form a coalition of his own.
But this doesn’t mean Netanyahu is out completely.

So, how will this play out?

Presenter: Richelle Carey


Dahlia Scheindlin – A Public Opinion Expert and Political Analyst.

Amal Jamal – A Palestinian Intellectual and Professor of Political Science at Tel Aviv University.

Gil Hoffman – Chief Political Correspondent at the Jerusalem Post and a Knesset Insider.

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